Spanish, French, and German are the three world languages offered at our High School. Languages are offered by level, so that strong students are able to pursue their studies at an advanced level while older students can choose to start a new language at a beginner level. Ninth graders are typically required to select one language to study for a minimum of three years and can add a second language as an elective beginning in tenth grade.


French I, II, III, IV (9, 10, 11, 12)
- Level I French I focuses on the acquisition of basic communication skills in French, both written and spoken, and the study of grammar and vocabulary. Throughout the course, special attention is paid to students’ pronunciation, reading, and spelling.

- Level II
French II includes the study of vocabulary and grammar topics such as passé compose; imparfait; future simple; conditionnel present; pronouns; and reflexive verbs. The course also focuses on the development of writing essays, reading, and conversational skills. Students recite French poems and sing French songs on a regular basis.

- Level III
This course focuses on a thorough review of the grammar from levels I and II and the study of advanced grammar and vocabulary. Reading materials include: Suivez la piste, a detective thriller based on a French language television course produced by BBC; the synopsis of the film, Papa, maman, la bonne et moi, and selected chapters from Le Petit Prince by Antoine de Saint-Exupéry. These materials develop the students’ vocabulary, conversational and writing skills through numerous class discussions and written assignments. In the second semester, a substantial amount of class time is dedicated to the students’ preparation for the French language SAT II.

- Level IV
This course promotes a greater knowledge of French culture and language. It aims to further the development of students’ proficiency in speech, writing, and comprehension. Students read, discuss, and analyze unabridged modern and classic French novels, French press, watch French films, and write essays based on the material. In addition to the above curriculum, and depending on the students’ choice, this course can be used to prepare for the Advanced Placement French language test.

German I, II, III, IV (9, 10, 11, 12)

- Level I
Students receive a solid foundation in the German language. Students focus on basic grammar topics such as the present, past, perfect and the future tenses of regular and irregular verbs, on the study of three cases, on modal verbs and on prepositions, among other areas.

- Level II
Students work with Portfolio Deutsch Level 2 by Langenscheidt Publishing (Level A2 within the European Framework of Reference for Languages). This course leads to a broader competency in expressing one’s feelings and opinions, participating in dialogue, exchanging information more fluently and describing images or situations orally as well as in writing. We complete our basic knowledge of grammar, focusing on topics like coordinating and subordinating conjunctions, main clauses and dependent clauses, the four cases, all the tenses and when to use them. The class reads texts by authors for young people and original short stories of German literature. Additionally, we engage in role-plays and watch a German movie.

- Level III
German III focuses on reading original texts by German authors, such as J.W. Goethe, Franz Kafka, Ilse Aichinger and Gabriele Wohmann. The majority of the coursework consists of reading and developing conversational skills. There is usually an oral presentation of an artist and his work. This class deepens the understanding of grammar by learning advanced topics, such as the passive voice and subjunctive.

- Level IV
German IV is geared towards the needs of students to review and deepen grammar. Reading texts include newspaper articles, short stories, and novels that are reviewed and discussed orally and in writing; the students also present a basis for essays. The course strives to reach greater fluency in conversation and discussion, and focuses on a student’s everyday life, personal interests, and a deepening of his understanding of German culture.

Spanish I, II, III, IV (9, 10, 11, 12)

- Level I
The class uses the book and workbooks for grammar and vocabulary from Expresate! Spanish I. Students build their vocabulary throughout the year. An oral approach is stressed through the use of dialogues, structural patterns, and conversation. The class learns the four tenses with an emphasis on the irregularities of the present tense. The students also study the definite and indefinite articles of nouns, prepositions, and verbs followed by direct and indirect objects, reflexive verbs, and plural nouns. Students read short stories and work on comprehension and pronunciation. They also begin to write short essays. At least one film is shown and one play is seen during the year.

- Level II
The class works with the book and workbooks, activities and grammar and vocabulary Expresate! Spanish Level II. This is an intensive course in complex grammar and composition to further develop oral skills. Discussions of literary texts, essays, and articles of contemporary Spain and South America are included. Students study all verbs tenses including the subjunctive. Relative pronouns and the passive voice are also part of the lessons. Students also read short stories and write summaries based of the reading assignment. At least one film is shown and a play is seen.

- Level III
The class works with the book and workbooks, activities, grammar and vocabulary, culture and literature in Expresate! Spanish Level III. The goal of this course is to improve technical skills in grammar, thereby increasing fluency in reading, writing, and oral communication. The class reviews grammar covered in Levels I and II.

- Level IV
This is an advanced course in Spanish composition and conversation. The course focuses on extensive reading, the enrichment of vocabulary and idioms, and the further development of conversational skills. Students are expected to recognize and discuss the literary merits of highlighted authors and their contributions and influence on Spanish culture. A great deal of emphasis is placed on sentence structure, especially the most difficult points of grammar and usage. Students study the work of Spanish painters and watch various films related to their work and life. Oral presentations are assigned, and at least one play is seen during the year.

French, German, Spanish Advanced Literature (11/12)

World Language V is a tailored curriculum designed to meet the needs, desires, and capacities of the enrolled students. The course is designed as either an independent study or an elective.


The International Exchange Program is an enriching opportunity offered to currently enrolled New York City area-based Steiner Grade 10 students to deepen their world language skills and global cultural understanding.

  • In the winter of Grade 9, interested enrolled Steiner students begin the International Student Exchange Program process in partnership with their World Language teachers.
  • The International Exchange Programis directly coordinated by the World Language teachers at Rudolf Steiner School with partner International Exchange Program Waldorf Schools around the globe.
  • Approved International Families host Steiner students in their homes in the country of the Steiner student’s choice.
  • In return, enrolled Steiner Grade 10 Families reciprocally host the International ExchangeStudent during their time at Steiner.
  • ProgramFee: No Additional Cost for Steiner enrolled students.
  • The program is designed for a period of one to three months.


* For Non-Steiner Students who are interested in spending time at Steiner and are ineligible for the International Exchange program, learn more about our Guest Student Program.

For questions regarding our International Exchange Program, please email: