Mary Lynn Hetsko
Handwork, Grades 1-8
With a natural artistic flair and love of sewing and embroidery, MaryLynn worked with vintage fabrics & mixed media for years. Her background and love of theater opened opportunities for costume design and led to a nomination for a Metro award. Upon being introduced to Waldorf Education, she knew this was her path. After completing the 4-year Applied Arts Certificate Program, she began her handwork teaching career at Green Meadow Waldorf School in Chestnut Ridge, NY. In 2009, she joined Rudolf Steiner School faculty, teaching handwork in First through Eighth Grade. She has built upon the pedagogical foundation with innovation to meet today’s children.
MaryLynn serves on the faculty of Sunbridge Institute and the Fiber Crafts Studio. She has led workshops for AWSNA conferences throughout the country.
She is happy to call Manhattan again her home.