

Students and faculty from both the Lower and Upper Schools gathered in Central Park to celebrate Michaelmas. A autumn festival traditionally marking the end of the harvest season. It is widely celebrated by Waldorf schools around the globe.

Michael is an archangel mentioned in many traditions.  As we know, he is depicted as a valiant and noble conqueror of the dragon – that evil being whose forces threaten to overwhelm humanity.  Just at this poignant time of year when summer’s lease is over, we have the Michaelmas festival in September: the image of Michael is one of hope and courage that helps us remember that when we unite together, we can overcome things that we cannot possibly do on our own.

We are always reluctant to lose the light and heat of summer; reluctant to see the plants go to sleep.  But nature brings us a wonderful truth.  Even as the days grow shorter and the air begins to cool, we can now resolve to carry summer’s warmth within us – we can trust that there is life even when we cannot see it.  If all of us share this inner warmth with one another, together we overcome the dragons of uncertainty and fear that perpetually strive to overtake us.  The image of Michael and the dragon is a reminder that inner warmth and love for one another is not dependent on a season but is always in us.

Click here to continue reading about this long-standing tradition and its significance to our community, written by Steiner faculty member, Carol Ann Bärtges.