The Guest Student Program provides individual students, in grades 9 to 12, with the opportunity to experience Steiner’s unique educational environment without the need for a reciprocal exchange. This program is designed for those who wish to participate in the school for a defined period of either September-December, or January-May.

Guest Student Applicants follow a regular admission process from inquiry, to application, to interview, and will be supported by our admissions team.

Our Program Fees for Guest Students are as follows:

      September-December- $20,000.00
      January-June- $30,000.00

Guest Students must be accompanied by and reside with a parent or approved guardian during their stay in New York City.

If you are interested in this program, please email  for more information and how to apply.

Learn More about our International Exchange Program in the tenth grade for currently enrolled Steiner Students.

Rudolf Steiner School offers a human-centered education. Our Waldorf curriculum reflects the developmental stages of childhood and serves the capacities and talents of each growing child. The school gives special emphasis to sensory experience and physical movement, to an alliance between artistic and intellectual activity, and to the ethical dimension of every subject. Our graduates are inventive thinkers and resilient idealists who cultivate an appreciative regard for a world that they seek to improve.
At the heart of the Steiner School experience is the Main Lesson Seminar. Main Lessons are taught in blocks lasting 3-5 weeks, and during that time the class meets daily for 90 minutes or more at the start of the school day. Each Main Lesson Seminar is a deep dive into a topic chosen both for its significance within a particular discipline and also for its resonance with the developmental stage of the student. The main lesson experience not only teaches skill in the subject at hand but invites students to explore profound questions about the nature of humanity as they grow towards maturity. Main Lesson Seminars in Science, English, Mathematics, History, and other special inter-disciplinary topics rotate during the course of the year; all Main Lesson Seminars are required. Oral essays presented by the teacher, direct participation in laboratory phenomena, and primary source texts provide the central content of each Main Lesson Seminar. Students typically create their own Main Lesson Book for each course; an individual portfolio of essays, illustrations, lab reports, projects, and other work that demonstrates how they have understood the course material and transformed it into something uniquely their own.
There is a Grade Advisor for each high school class who directs class meetings with students and parents. In addition, each student has a faculty member who acts as their Personal Advisor, guiding them in both academic and social development through grades 9-12. Personal Advisors review grade reports at the end of the trimesters and act as a liaison between parents and faculty members.
Keeping a cohort together with a teacher, which takes place in all areas of the school, allow individual approaches to each student’s unique learning style to be developed, reviewed, and refined over time. Starting in earlier grades and continuing throughout the high school years, Math Labs and Office Hours are available after school to all students for both academic support and enrichment.
Educating our students to be skillful and wise participants in this digital age is an important goal at Steiner. By the time students reach high school, they are regularly using digital tools for research (e.g. public and subscription websites and databases such as JSTOR), for presentation and design (e.g. visual-audio presentations on research topics, school publications such as The Key and Spectrum, correctly formatting and footnoting papers) and for data research and development (e.g. developing complete trig tables from exact values, applying numerical integration methods, analyzing data sets using pivot tables and linear regression techniques).

A Computer Science elective open to Juniors and Seniors allows interested students to deepen their knowledge of various programming languages and interfaces (e.g. Arduino robotics projects) and all students acquire at least a taste of breadboarding circuits using logic gates with some completing multi-bit binary adders from fundamental X-OR and AND gates in connection with the Electricity and Magnetism main lesson.

Students in ninth or tenth grade are introduced to fundamental elements of coding – functions, arguments, loops, if-then-while decision structures – most recently in the delightfully visual language p5js. Some students take up this work with particular interest and are able to create sophisticated projects, often in the context of simple games.

Rudolf Steiner School offers families recommended guidelines for student interaction with technology and media based on current research in child development. Educating our students to be skillful and wise participants in this digital age is an important goal at Steiner. Computer literacy and facility are introduced adequately by understanding the use of devices as tools within the general curriculum.

A screen-free childhood from birth to approximately seven years old is strongly encouraged. Our suggestion is to limit screen time at home in grades 1-6. Screen time in grades 7-12 is thoughtfully considered in school-directed and student-directed categories.

At Steiner the physical education department fosters lifelong knowledge, behaviors, and attitudes, which will enable students to lead healthy, physically active lives. Students join sport teams and continue receiving Eurythmy classes. Steiner students engage in meaningful physical activity in their physical education classes, Eurythmy classes, and competitive sports teams. Team sports, individual fitness, yoga, swimming, and more, are typical activities for high school students during their PE classes.

Our school is a member of the Independent School Athletic League and each season our teams compete against other schools in New York City. Every class includes students who are enthusiastic about their sports and who treasure the skills and sportsmanship that they develop with their coaches and fellow students on these close-knit teams.

Eurythmy, an art of movement designed by Rudolf Steiner and unique to Waldorf schools, educates students’ spatial sense of themselves and others as they make speech and music visible through movement.

Participation in clubs and publications provide an important opportunity for students to develop their independent interests while connecting with like-minded peers across the grades. Steiner has a distinguished tradition of student publications: the literary magazine The Key – published yearly for over 50 years – Fifteen East, the school newspaper; and Spectrum, the school yearbook.

Students are encouraged and empowered to initiate new clubs together with faculty sponsors. Some of our current club offerings include: SIDER (Student Initiative for Diversity & Equal Rights), GLOW (Gay, Lesbian, or Whatever), Student Union, Drama Club and Jazztet.

Each year includes a Class Trip – an event much anticipated and long remembered by the students. Class Trips are designed to enhance the curriculum, strengthen the class community, and serve others.
Rudolf Steiner School has at its core, as stated in the school’s mission statement that “Our graduates cultivate an appreciative regard for a world they seek to improve.” Throughout their years at Steiner, students participate in this shared ideal of service to others. As their capacities for meaningful work increase, so do the number of ways in which students can make contributions to their communities both within the school, to their local New York City neighborhoods, and eventually to other parts of the country and the world.