"Waldorf education strives to be a preparation for the rising
generations of children to engage in technology in a healthy
way, at the right time in their development."
Human beings and technology are intimately connected and children take in the world very deeply. Steiner said, “When new inventions affect modern life, we must take steps to balance any possible ill effects by finding appropriate countermeasures.” How do we find that balance? Where do we start? How can we develop healthy practices for ourselves and our children in an environment that is increasingly more electronic? While conceiving the curriculum of the first Waldorf school Steiner often referred to the necessity of creative work in every stage of our development.
Gary Lamb is the Director of the Hawthorne Valley Center for Social Research and its Ethical Technology Initiative. In his recent book A Road to Sacred Creation: Rudolf Steiner’s Perspectives on Technology, he assesses the nature of technology and considers practices for meeting the dynamics of our current times. Coming into a healthy relationship with technology can help us guide our children towards inward change, solid communication and wholeness.

John Bloom, in the book’s foreword, observes: “Rudolf Steiner’s thinking and influence are deep and wide. The depth of his thinking extends from the macrocosm to the microcosm of physical and spiritual experience. Its scope includes the workings of the world and the self, and the ideal relationship between them.”
Join us for this book presentation and discussion on technology on November 16 by registering HERE.