” The importance of engaging students In a family-style meal experience can set habits that will stay with them for life.” Astrea Ravenstar
” The importance of engaging students In a family-style meal experience can set habits that will stay with them for life.” Astrea Ravenstar
We have the Michaelmas festival in September: the image of Michael is one of hope and courage that helps us remember that when we unite together, we can overcome things that we cannot possibly do on our own.
At a Community Education event we shared our updated Steiner Slow Tech Media Guidelines chart. We know the value of self-initiated play and the development of real-world, practical skills, the ability to think freely and independently.
Having a tool in the woodwork shop that stands above the others inspires and encourages Steiner students.
Each year a talented group of young Shakespeareans perform at the English Speaking Union New York City Branch Shakespeare Competition. They award a first, second, and third prize for the best presentation of a Shakespeare monologue and sonnet.
Three members of Rudolf Steiner School Class of 2015 reflect on their experience as students and what it means to them to be back at Steiner as faculty members.
Our school community gathers every November to bring a day of magic, creativity, and love;
a message full of color, reverence and enthusiasm.
Rudolf Steiner School’s 8th grade students each took on an individual current public events topic to research and follow through the school year.
The whole community came together, shared a little love and raised funds that not only doubled last year’s amount, but reach beyond our goal! This money goes directly to the faculty development budget, providing financial support to teachers seeking educational enrichment opportunities. Thank you dear Steiner families!
Our community had an intimate and special evening together at our recent Poetry Café: Celebrating the Literary Work of Our Community.