” The importance of engaging students In a family-style meal experience can set habits that will stay with them for life.” Astrea Ravenstar
” The importance of engaging students In a family-style meal experience can set habits that will stay with them for life.” Astrea Ravenstar
We have the Michaelmas festival in September: the image of Michael is one of hope and courage that helps us remember that when we unite together, we can overcome things that we cannot possibly do on our own.
At a Community Education event we shared our updated Steiner Slow Tech Media Guidelines chart. We know the value of self-initiated play and the development of real-world, practical skills, the ability to think freely and independently.
Having a tool in the woodwork shop that stands above the others inspires and encourages Steiner students.
In our daily lives we can do many things to help the children build courage and face their lives with confidence. A strong and predictable rhythm of the day and the week can lessen the anxiety of what happens next and helps the children self- regulate.
“Every child has hidden potential. When teachers stay with their students longer, they can see beyond the surface and recognize the brilliance beneath.”
Each year a talented group of young Shakespeareans perform at the English Speaking Union New York City Branch Shakespeare Competition. They award a first, second, and third prize for the best presentation of a Shakespeare monologue and sonnet.
A distance running race is a unique sport. If you saw the NYC marathon, about 50.000 runners ran the marathon. How many of them are setting a goal to “win” (1st finisher) this race? It may be only 100 of them? Then, what is a goal and purpose for running the race for the rest of the 49.900 runners?
We are continuously curious to follow the life and careers of our creative, inventive and energetic students. We recently asked Iliana about her time at Steiner.
Each year, Steiner organizes the visits of a diverse group of schools to help students figure out the “right fit.” This year, the group embarked on an ambitious college road trip from March 25th-27th.