Taking on the task of co-chairing the College of Teachers is something that one does not do lightly. Encouraged by our colleagues, surrounded by their supportive, collective wisdom, and knowing that we would be partners in this post made it seem possible to take up the work. The pedagogical center and spiritual organ of the school, this circle of members is responsible for establishing and upholding the school’s mission. It is the task of the College of Teachers to ensure that the non-educational aspects of the school are permeated with a pedagogical perspective.
It was clear that the upcoming year would be one of transition, of scrutinizing our current staffing and programming to see where greater efficiency and updated programming could be found. While transition, renewal, rebirth as we near our 90th year as an institution can be unsettling and painful at times, we have begun to feel a shift of awareness and looking forward. We are striving to have our house in order as we look ahead to an exciting future of possibilities for our school.
The College of Teachers and Board of Trustees have embarked on a new way of working together.
A number of small joint working groups were formed to research and address important needs of the school: restructuring of various faculty and staff positions, designing a more streamlined governance structure, and conducting a search to hire a new School Administrator. This improved way of working together has fostered greater understanding and communication that we hope to carry over to better communicate with all faculty and staff, and the wider community.
The school’s new governance model is in place, our new School Administrator has been hired, and our three-person Leadership Council (Upper School Chair, Lower School Chair, and School Administrator) is fully active. Alongside this work of transition and renewal, the College of Teachers has maintained its oversight of other mandated tasks within faculty development, parent education, scope and sequence, student support, and other matters of pedagogical responsibility.
In our first year of co-chairing the College of Teachers, we have both developed a new understanding and respect for what is needed to run a Waldorf school. While we have gained a good deal of knowledge, it is clear that we still have much to learn. We look forward with excitement and positivity to celebrating our school’s upcoming 90th year, and the renewal, growth, and transformation that is already underway.
Respectfully yours,
Cybelle Afable and Wendy Kelly
Co-Chairs for the College of Teachers