
In grades four through six, classes are bussed to the two gyms at the 92nd Street Y for a full physical education program. They participate in the following sports and activities, taught in two-week intervals: aerobic fitness, yoga, strength training, step aerobics, dance aerobics, volleyball, soccer, tumbling, gymnastics, jumping rope, juggling, wiffle-ball, badminton, team handball, basketball, floor polo, and floor hockey. Classes are designed to introduce various sports and activities and to promote cardiovascular fitness. Whenever possible, gym classes also include exercises based on Bothmer Gymnastics, a form of exercise developed by Count Fritz von Bothmer in collaboration with Rudolf Steiner that focuses on the relationship of movement to the space in which it is taking place. Beginning with the experience of the polarity of levity and gravity, Bothmer exercises foster the students’ spatial awareness in accord with Waldorf principles of age-appropriate education.